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# # ghawkR

The goal of ghawkR is to help ypu in work with data exported from gAirHawk.


You can install the development version of ghawkR from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:

# library(ghawkR)
# x=Path to your file
# x= read.table("Lot_nr_1.txt")
# x=thin_records(x,100)
# x=colnames_Trajectory(x)
# x=table_to_spatial(x, coords = c(2,3), remove=FALSE)
# plot_points_coord(x)

# x=Path to folder
# test=merge_flights(x, algorithm="Trajectory", thin=TRUE, thin_value = 100)
# test=table_to_spatial(test, coords = c(2,3), remove = FALSE)
# plot_points_coord_merged(test)
# plot(x=test$`East Coordinates (m)`, y=test$`North Coordinates (m)`, col=test$FLIGHT)