Title Detect Tree Tops in a Canopy Height Model (CHM)
This function identifies tree tops in a CHM file using the local maxima filter (LMF) algorithm provided by the lidR package. The identified tree tops can optionally be saved as a shapefile.
- CHM_path
The file path of the Canopy Height Model (CHM) TIFF file.
- ws_par
The window size parameter for the LMF algorithm in the lidR package, indicating the size of the window used to find local maxima.
- hmin_par
The minimum height parameter for the LMF algorithm in the lidR package, which specifies the minimum tree height to be considered.
- output_folder
The directory path where the output shapefile should be saved if saving is enabled.
- save_tops
A logical value indicating whether to save the detected tree tops as a shapefile. If TRUE, the tree tops are saved; if FALSE, they are not.